Welcome to the website and blog

Hello everyone, I’m so happy you’re here! In the months and years to come I will be sharing my new recipes, some of the older ones, and all sorts of articles and information here on the blog section of this site.

I contemplated adding some of my most popular recipes here before the site launch, but the time was ticking on so I decided to publish the site and will add to the blog as I go along.

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This site has been a wonderful project to work on, and as I mention in my story, it has been a goal to have my own ‘home’ on the internet for a long time.

My hope is that this site is dynamic, ever-evolving and a genuinely useful resource to my YouTube viewers and readers. My goal is to continue sharing simple, easy, ‘everyday’ style recipes and techniques in the areas of whole grain sourdough bread making and soap making. I’ll also be sharing some of my favourite general cooking recipes over time.

Please have a browse around the site using the main menu at the top of every page, or you can search from the home page or using the search bar at the bottom of each page.

Please feel free to comment on the posts I share here. I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions as I go along.

I hope you are all managing okay in your part of the world, it’s been such a difficult time for so many of you I know. It has warmed my heart and motivated me greatly to know that my videos have been a helpful and even calming diversion for some of you through the pandemic. Now that the website basics are completed, I am very much looking forward to getting back into the swing of regular videos across both my channels.

Until next time, take care :)

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Eucalyptus Laundry Soap with Coconut and Rice Bran Oils