
1. The Author of this site gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information and materials contained in the Author’s content or website. Under no circumstances will the Author be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses costs or liabilities whatsoever (including, without limitation, any direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting or arising directly or indirectly from a user’s use of or inability to use this website or any content or websites linked to it, or from a user’s reliance on the information and material on contained in the Authors content or website, even if the Author has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance.

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4. The Author does not guarantee, and accepts no legal responsibility whatsoever arising from or in connection to the accuracy, reliability, currency, correctness or completeness of any material contained in the Authors content or on its website. 

5. The Author’s content and website may include third party content which is subject to that third party’s terms and conditions of use. Nothing on this website should be construed as granting any license or right for a user to use that content. Users should consult the third party’s terms and conditions of use in relation to any third party content.

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7. Links to third party websites do not constitute any endorsement or approval of those sites or the owners of those sites. 

8. The Author’s content and website provides general information only about the use of chemicals; it does not and cannot provide safety information specific to any particular consumer product, it is not intended to be comprehensive or complete, and it should not be relied upon to ensure safe and appropriate use of any particular product or chemical. Because the safety of any consumer product requires an understanding of its specific chemical composition, as well as the intended uses of the product and potential exposure to various constituents, users should follow the specific instructions and product labelling provided by the product manufacturer. 

9. In some jurisdictions the making of soap is highly regulated and users should make their own enquires with their local authorities.